Unfortunately Olaf Raitzig did not have any facsimiles of this important codex. For his recordings and analyses he therefore relied on transcriptions by other musicologists, for example Ursula Günther and Frank Ll. Harrison.

The following motets he analyzed on the basis of secondary literature:

Ch1 Apta caro – Flos virginum
Ch2 Ida capillorum – Portio nature
Ch3 Degentis vita – Cum vix
Ch4 Pictagore – O terra sancta
Ch5 Alpha vibrans – Cetus venit
Ch6 Rex Karole – Leticie pacis
Ch7 L’ardure – Tres dous espoir
Ch8 Alma polis – Axe poli
Ch9 Inter densas – Imbribus
Ch10 Multipliciter amando – Favore habundare
Ch11 Sub arturo – Fons citharizantium
Ch12 Tant a soutille – Bien pert
Ch13 D’ardant desir – Se fut d’amer

The motets ”Apta caro – Flos virginum“, ”Ida capillorum – Portio nature“, and ”Tant a soutille – Bien pert“ are also contained in the Codex Ivrea. We therefore use the transcriptions from these facsimiles.

For the motet ”Multipliciter – Favore“ Olaf Raitzig used the transcriptions by other musicologists to prepare a reconstruction of the original mensural notation; he then transcribed this hypothetical Urtext once again using a different mensuration (statements on scholarly analysis). The score will be edited and posted on the homepage.

For the motet “Pictagore – O terra sancta” as well Raitzig’s analyses yielded a new score with its own text underlay, which is also published here.

There are commentaries on all the motets mentioned; these were either entered right into the scores or they are preserved as a collection of loose leafs.